Tajweed is the science of reciting the Quran correctly, ensuring that each letter is pronounced with its proper characteristics and articulation. This helps in preserving the Quran as it was revealed and prevents errors that could change meanings. Two fundamental aspects of Tajweed are Makharij Al-Huruf (Articulation Points of Letters) and Sifat Al-Huruf (Characteristics of Letters). Understanding these will significantly improve your recitation.

Basic Rules of Tajweed

Tajweed consists of several rules that guide proper pronunciation and recitation. Some essential ones include:

1. Noon Sakinah and Tanween Rules

Izhar (Clear Pronunciation)When Noon Sakinah or Tanween is followed by throat letters (ء, ه, ع, ح, غ, خ), it is pronounced clearly.
Idgham (Merging)When Noon Sakinah or Tanween is followed by ل, ر, ي, م, و, ن, the sound merges into the next letter.
Iqlab (Conversion)When followed by ب, Noon Sakinah or Tanween changes into a Meem sound with slight nasalization.
Ikhfa (Concealment)When followed by any other letters, the Noon sound is lightly hidden with nasalization.

Example of Izhar :

Izhaar Tajweed Rule

Example of Idgham :

Idgham Tajweed Rule

Example of Iqlab :

Iqlaab Tajweed Rule

Example of Ikhfa :

Ikhfa Tajweed Rule

2. Meem Sakinah Rules

Ikhfa ShafawiIf Meem Sakinah is followed by ب, it is pronounced with slight nasalization.
Idgham ShafawiIf followed by another Meem, it is merged with full nasalization.
Izhar ShafawiIf followed by any other letter, it is pronounced clearly.

3. Qalqalah (Echoing Letters)

Qalqalah occurs when the letters ق, ط, ب, ج, د appear with sukoon or at the end of a word. The sound is echoed slightly.

4. Madd (Elongation of Letters)

Madd Tabee’i (Natural Lengthening)2 beatsقَالَ
Madd Munfasil (Separated Lengthening)4–5 beatsإِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ
Madd Muttasil (Connected Lengthening)4–5 beatsالسَّمَاءُ
Madd Laazim (Compulsory Lengthening)6 beatsدَآبَّةٌ

Makharij Al-Huruf (Articulation Points of Letters)

Makharij refers to the places in the mouth, throat, and lips where each Arabic letter originates. Understanding this is crucial for correct pronunciation.

1. The Five Main Areas of Articulation

AreaLetters Produced
Throat (Halaq)ء, ه, ع, ح, غ, خ
Tongue (Lisan)ق, ك, ج, ش, ض, ل, ن, ر, ط, د, ت, ص, ز, س
Lips (Shafatayn)ف, ب, م, و
Nasal Cavity (Khaishoom)Ghunnah sound (nasalization in Noon and Meem)
Oral Cavity (Jauf)Long vowels (ا, و, ي)

2. Detailed Breakdown of Makharij

Letter GroupSpecific Makharij
Deep Throatء, ه
Middle Throatع, ح
Lower Throatغ, خ
Back of the Tongueق, ك
Middle of the Tongueج, ش, ي
Sides of the Tongueض
Tip of the Tongueل, ن, ر, ط, د, ت, ص, ز, س
Lipsف, ب, م, و

Sifat Al-Huruf (Characteristics of Letters)

Sifat refers to the attributes of letters that define how they are pronounced. Each letter has distinct characteristics that must be followed.

Two Categories of Sifat

Sifat are divided into two main types:

A. Sifat with Opposites

Hams (Whispering)Jahr (Audibility)Some letters are pronounced with soft air flow, while others are more audible.
Shiddah (Strength)Rikhaawah (Softness)Some letters are pronounced with a strong stoppage, while others are soft.
Isti’laa (Elevation)Istifal (Lowering)Some letters are heavy (full-mouthed), while others are light.
Itbaq (Adhesion)Infitah (Opening)Some letters are pronounced with the tongue pressed to the roof of the mouth.

B. Sifat without Opposites

These are unique characteristics of certain letters.

Qalqalah (Echoing)ق, ط, ب, ج, د
Ghunnah (Nasal Sound)ن, م
Tafkheem (Heavy Sound)خ, ص, ض, غ, ط, ق, ظ

Importance of Understanding Makharij and Sifat

1. Prevents Mistakes in Recitation

A slight mispronunciation can completely change the meaning of words in Arabic, leading to misunderstandings or even incorrect interpretations of Quranic verses. For example:

  • قلب (Qalb – Heart) vs كلب (Kalb – Dog)
  • عالم (Aalim – Scholar) vs عام (Aam – General) This is why mastering the characteristics of letters is essential for preserving the correct meanings of words and ensuring accurate recitation.

2. Enhances Beauty in Recitation

Understanding Sifat helps in making the recitation of the Quran smoother, more rhythmic, and melodious. Certain characteristics like Qalqalah and Ghunnah add a natural flow to the recitation, making it pleasing to the listener. This is why many expert reciters follow Tajweed rules meticulously to achieve a beautiful recitation.

3. Fulfills the Command of Allah

Allah (SWT) instructs us to recite the Quran with care and precision:

“And recite the Quran with measured recitation.” (Surah Al-Muzzammil 73:4) This verse emphasizes the importance of following Tajweed rules so that the recitation remains clear, structured, and in line with divine guidance.

4. Follows the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was the best reciter of the Quran, and he taught his companions to recite it with proper Tajweed. He said:

“Whoever recites the Quran correctly and beautifully will be with the noble, righteous scribes (angels).” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 4937) By learning and applying Tajweed, we are following his example and upholding the way the Quran was meant to be recited.


Understanding the Basic Rules of Tajweed, Makharij Al-Huruf, and Sifat Al-Huruf is essential for correct Quranic recitation. By applying these principles, you ensure that you are reciting the Quran accurately, just as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Learning Tajweed is a journey, and with consistent practice, you will see significant improvement.

May Allah (SWT) make it easy for you to learn and apply Tajweed correctly. Ameen.

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